Friday, September 14, 2012

An Education to Match Our Mission

I got to show off my beautiful poster to another Mother who loves TJED as much as I do today! It reminded me that my plan when I bought the poster this summer was to memorize it with my kids this fall.  

We are really into memorizing things right now because my kids love attending the Treasure Valley Poetry Club. We have neat little file boxes set up with our poems to memorize, and my 4 year old insists on having her turn to quote nursery rhymes! The winner this month of the nursery rhyme category was 4! Isn't inspire, not require amazing!

 (See the full text below the picture)


A movement is sweeping across the world. Not of protestors raging in streets. But of 
families loving and learning in consecrated homes.

Of devoted mothers who look into their children’s eyes and see future leaders. Of valiant fathers who thirst for greatness. Of youth who feel a stirring in their souls to renounce conveyor-belt mediocrity.
They hear the call of mission to seek truth, build strong families and communities, spread freedom and prosperity, create beauty, heal society. Their Allegiance is clear. They will not compromise their virtue. They will not rest while they see need.

They unplug from TV and tabloids to immerse themselves in the classics and engage with mentors. 
They learn because they are inspired, not required. Compelled to grapple with life’s most important questions. To earn a Leadership Education. To innovate solutions for humanity. To learn more, become more, so they can serve more.

We are this generation of leaders. We will rise to our potential with an education to match our mission. And we will be the change we wish to see in the world.

I just love this - I love having it hang by my front door where I can see it each time I walk out the door, and I know that I will love it even more once I memorize it, and internalize it. My goal is to have it memorized by October 20th. Check up on me, and I will report back and let you know how we are doing. I broke the manifesto up into sections to print out and put on our notecards, and I attached the file so you can join our family in memorizing this amazing mission statement. 

Memorize it with us, we need more leaders!

Disclaimer: I just signed up to be an affiliate of Life Manifestos - so if you decide to purchase a copy please use this link. The money will go towards a Treasure Valley Commonwealth, Mentor Trainings, Workshops, etc! Thanks.

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